Tribute to Brian Wyatt

26 June, 2015

26 October 2015

NSWALC pays tribute to Brian Wyatt

The NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) is saddened by the passing of National Native Title Council Chief Executive Officer Brian Wyatt.

Brian had led the National Native Title Council since 2010, having made his name in Western Australia as the CEO of the Goldfields Land and Sea Council and through his international human rights advocacy.

For more than three decades, Brian accumulated a wide body of knowledge and advised governments and ministers in Western Australia.

Brian was a strong advocate for land justice, protection of culture, economic empowerment of Aboriginal people.

In 2003, Brian was awarded a Churchill Fellowship which he used to study Land Rights and economic development in South Africa and North America.

Throughout his career, Brian skillfully negotiated with governments and pastoral and mining interests to help broker agreements to return land to Aboriginal people in Western Australia.

Other agreements ensured access to traditional lands and join management of national parks and reserves.

His negotiation skills and diplomacy were also valued at the United Nations where he regularly participated in the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Brian's leadership and ability to bring people together to achieve land justice for Aboriginal people will be missed.

NSWALC sends its condolences to Brian's family, friends and colleagues.

PDF version of this article may be obtained here.

Craig Cromelin
NSW Aboriginal Land Council