Update: NSW Aboriginal Cultural Gathering

31 January, 2018

Update: NSW Aboriginal Cultural Gathering

31 January 2018

The NSW Aboriginal Land Council is postponing the Aboriginal Cultural Gathering in Sydney to allow Local Aboriginal Land Council members more time to have their say on self-determination and culture and heritage.

The Cultural Gathering was scheduled for Thursday, 8 March. However, in light of recent political developments around negotiations for a Treaty process with government, the Cultural Gathering will be postponed to a date to be determined and NSWALC will consult further with the Land Rights network.

The NSW Premier's recent call to support the aspirations of all Aboriginal people in the State and the Opposition's commitment to negotiate a treaty process with the Land Rights network are important first steps towards self-determination for our people.

The NSW Aboriginal Land Council will seek the views of its members through upcoming Regional Forums starting in February.

When it comes to issues as fundamental as self-determination and culture and heritage, we need to ensure our advocacy is informed and targeted to achieving the best outcomes for Aboriginal people in this State.

NSWALC will circulate further information about the Cultural Gathering as soon as possible.

Information will also be available on the NSWALC website at www.alc.org.au