18 November, 2019
18 November 2019
Where You Can Vote in the 2019 NSWALC Election
Land Council members across New South Wales are being provided with a range of options to ensure they can make their mark at the upcoming NSWALC election.
Eight of the nine regions will head to the polls on 30 November to elect a new Council to represent them for the next four years.
Northern region will not be voting after incumbent Councillor Charles Lynch was reinstated unopposed when nominations closed last week.
A new batch of posters and information flyers have been distributed to Aboriginal Land Councils and organisations across New South Wales. They contain a list of all polling booth locations within each region.
The posters have also been made available for download on the NSWALC website, to give all members access to the information. You can access them by CLICKING HERE.
This year, amendments have been made to provide members with better access to pre-polling and postal-voting options.
To lodge a postal vote, you will need to apply for a form online by CLICKING HERE or by filling in the form that was sent to you in the post by the New South Wales Electoral Commission earlier this week. Remember though, completed postal vote applications must be received by the returning officer by 6pm on Monday, 25 November, 2019.
If you plan on voting by post, your completed postal vote ballot papers must be received by the returning officer by 6pm on Wednesday, 4 December, 2019.
Pre-polling will also be held in various locations across the state on Thursday, 21 November, 2019. To find out where you can pre-poll vote CLICK HERE. The information is also on the posters!
If you're voting in the Sydney/ Newcastle region, pre-polling is also available on Friday the 22nd and 29th of November. Again, you can find the locations of those pre-polling stations by CLICKING HERE.
On election day, 30 November, more than 150 polling booth locations will be set up across New South Wales for eligible members to lodge their vote.
Be sure to MAKE YOUR MARK at the 2019 NSWALC Election on 30 November.