16 September, 2019
16 September 2019
Work Opportunities at the 2019 NSW Aboriginal Land Council elections
Applications are now open for Aboriginal people to work at the NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) elections on Saturday, 30 November 2019.
Nine councillors will be elected, one to represent each of the nine regional Aboriginal Land Council areas in NSW.
They are: Central, Mid North Coast, North Coast, Northern, North West, South Coast, Sydney/Newcastle, Western and Wiradjuri regions.
The NSW Electoral Commission has positions available for work at regional polling places on election day itself, and at Regional Electoral Officers' offices in the lead-up to the election.
The positions include Polling Place Manager, Election Official, Senior Office Assistant and Office Assistant.
Office Assistants may be employed for up to eight weeks during the election period.
If you are interested in any of the available positions, you can complete your application online.
Anyone who has worked at NSWALC elections previously will need to register again and create a new login.
More information and registration are available via the link below. Scroll to "Work at this election".
Positions are limited, so we encourage everyone to apply as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, please call 1300 135 736 or email eoi@elections.nsw.gov.au.