5 May, 2015
With the NSW State Election out of the way, the focus now shifts to the NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) Elections, to be held on Saturday, 31 October 2015.
NSWALC Chief Executive Officer Lesley Turner is encouraging people to have their say in how the Land Rights network is run.
Mr Turner said the future of the Land Rights network depended on more people taking an active role in their Land Council, especially young people.
“We’ve worked hard to build the network up to where it is now. We’re in a good position to leverage some of our hard-earned gains into social, cultural and economic benefits for our people, particularly through our five-year $16 million Economic Development Strategy.”
He added that the key now is for more people to buy into NSWALC’s vision.
“It’s up to the younger generation, combined with wisdom of our Elders, to realise our vision to better position the Land Rights network to achieve self-determination and economic independence.”
“In NSW more than 114,000 of our mob are aged 24 years and under. This represents more than half of the State’s Aboriginal population, which is why it’s important for young people to get involved in and continue the legacy of Land Rights,” Mr Turner said.
To exercise your vote or if you want to nominate as a candidate in the 2015 NSWALC Elections and you aren’t a member, you need to be accepted as a member of a Local Aboriginal Land Council no later than 10 August.
The NSWALC Election is held every four years with eligible voters electing nine councillors to represent the interests of Local Aboriginal Land Council members in Sydney-Newcastle, Mid-North Coast, North Coast, Northern, South Coast, Wiradjuri, Central, North West and Western regions.
Voting will take place at nominated polling booths throughout the State on Election Day on 31 October, 2015. Applications to vote by post from eligible electors may be lodged between 22 July and 23 October, 2015.
Further information about the election will be updated regularly at https://alc.org.au/land-councils/2015-nswalc-election.aspx
So watch this space!