Redfern Aboriginal Medical Service Celebrates 45 Years’ Service

1 August, 2016

And Looks Ahead to Future Partnerships with the Land Rights Network

Australia’s first and longest-running Aboriginal community-controlled health service has celebrated 45 years of business, with a pledge to expand its relationships within the Land Rights network.

Redfern AMS Chair Sol Bellear and AMS patient Rose Harris. Image: OurMob

Redfern AMS was established in 1971 and became the template all future community-controlled Aboriginal health services were based on.

Now, 45 years later, it has plans to enter a partnership with Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council to deliver drug and alcohol rehabilitation services.

See OurMob’s video retrospective below, acknowledging the past and looking ahead to the future.

Redfern AMS CEO Naomi Mayers with a painting in her honour. Image: OurMob