With our fourth annual strategic plan supplement, the Council of the NSW Aboriginal Land Council is building and further shaping our strategic agenda. We are continuing to sharpen our business as usual operations and are refining and adding to our emerging business activities.
It is a necessarily big strategic agenda, to grab the opportunities we have to impact on our people’s lives.
The Strategic Plan Supplement in conjunction with our Strategic Plan 2018-2022 is our required Community, Land and Business Plan. Our Strategic Plan Supplement identifies our strategies for the financial year for achieving our five long-term objectives and goals of our Strategic Plan 2018-2022.
The strategic plan supplement has again been prepared as part of our integrated annual planning and reporting processes. This financial year we will be placing a stronger emphasis on regular reporting to Local Aboriginal Land Councils by committing to quarterly reports in addition to our annual report.
Our stretch targets remain deliberately high; we are determined to see our people and our efforts driven by high expectations.