26 August, 2022
9 August 2022
Commitment to keep the NCIE’s fitness and aquatics centre
The NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) and the Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation (ILSC) met today to discuss the future of the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence.
It was reiterated the fitness and aquatics centre continues to be operated by the ILSC until a sustainable model is achieved. This will ensure community access to the facilities is continued.
Tenants’ use and access of the site also remains unaffected and they can continue their valuable programs.
It was agreed that a resetting of the relationship is needed between the organisations and the community, to ensure the site continues to bring a brighter future for community.
NSWALC Chairperson Danny Chapman says as the new owners of the site, we want the centre to continue to be a hub for our community.
“The site is important to all Aboriginal people, and our vision has always been to build on the legacy.
NSWALC needed to ensure we had the best interest of all Aboriginal people at every decision, but Council and I are now comfortable this will be achieved with the ILSC.
NSWALC remains committed to facilitating the delivery of community benefits and outcomes from the property, including by ensuring there is community access” he said.
ILSC Chairperson Ian Hamm says “the ILSC will continue to operate these important services while we work together in partnership to find a longer-term solution”.
The NSWALC and ILSC are committed to continuing to engage and consult on the future use of the site with the Redfern and broader community. Discussions are ongoing.
Media contacts:
NSWALC: media@alc.org.au
ILSC: communications@ilsc.gov.au