26 August, 2022
8 August 2022
Redfern Community Misled by Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation
The NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) is disappointed with the misleading statement released by the Commonwealth Government’s Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation (ILSC) late yesterday, Sunday 7 August 2022, around the future of operations of the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence Limited (NCIE Ltd).
The ILSC issued a Statement stating that an arrangement had been reached. NSWALC would like to clearly state that is not the case. ILSC has made this announcement unilaterally without NSWALC’s agreement. These types of decisions by the ILSC are continuing to cause confusion and hurt.
NSWALC’s aim was to work to secure the future of the NCIE as the centre’s purpose is too important for the community.
Whilst NSWALC remains open to hearing how the Commonwealth propose to secure the viability of NCIE, NSWALC can only respond to what the Commonwealth has offered and to date, this is not sufficient in keeping the centre operational.
As stated previously, the request for NSWALC to consider taking over the operations was only proposed at the end of April 2022, as a means to continue the delivery of the community service of NCIE Ltd.
NSWALC Chairperson, Danny Chapman is concerned this latest message misleads the Redfern Community who have shown the importance of this vital community hub and the impact that the ILSC decision has had on everyone.
“NSWALC’s purpose is to advocate for the rights and interest of our people. We have been trying to have good faith discussions with ILSC, and we are still waiting for a viable proposal to be on the table for our Council to consider” he said.
“We are a self-funded, community-controlled organisation, who is being railroaded by the Commonwealth to take on an entity they should have managed better. The NCIE should not be in this current position.
We are concerned that the community have been placed in a position to have to stand up for what is needed, rather than their needs put before deadlines. There was no need for the ILSC to make their drastic decision to give one weeks’ notice to both staff and community. We all have a bigger job now, to not just maintain services but also to rebuild trust and relationship with Community”, he said.
In addition to working with the ILSC for a resolution, NSWALC met with the Minister for Indigenous Australians, Hon. Linda Burney and the Minister for the Environment and Water, Hon Tanya Plibersek on Friday.
NSWALC remain available to meet and discuss proposals with ILSC and the Commonwealth Government and ask that they clearly communicate the facts around how they will support the needs of community.
The property at 160 – 202 George St Redfern was acquired by the NSWALC only recently, on June 30, 2022. The business operation NCIE Ltd has been substantially debt-funded by the ILSC for many years and continues to be a subsidiary of ILSC. The NSWALC is an independent self-funded organisation and is unable to cover NCIE Ltd’s losses.
Media contact media@alc.org.au