22 August, 2019
22 August 2019
100 Days till the NSW Aboriginal Land Council Elections
The 2019 NSW Aboriginal Land Council elections will be held across the state in just 100 days.
Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC) members are being urged to “Make Your Mark” in 2019 by voting on 30 November.
Electoral rolls close even sooner on 9 September, and all members are advised to contact their LALC and update their contact details before the cut-off.
NSWALC CEO James Christian said it is crucial that everyone’s details are up to date.
“Members need to check that they are registered correctly by 9 September, so they receive all relevant information and most importantly their voting form,” he said.
“There is significant interest and demand for postal voting this year, and we’d hate for anyone to miss out on the chance to Make Their Mark in 100 days, because of something as simple as a clerical error.”
What is the election for?
Nine Councillors will be elected to the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council for a four-year term, one for each of the Aboriginal Land Council Regions across the state.
NSWALC Councillors are elected to represent the political, cultural, social and economic interests of the Aboriginal community in New South Wales and make strategic decisions about the future of NSWALC and the Land Rights network.
Make Your Mark
Aboriginal people over 18 who are voting members of a Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC) enrolled by the close of rolls (9 September), can vote.
If you would like to vote but are not a LALC member you will need to become a member of your LALC before the rolls close. To become a member, you will need to apply, in writing, to your LALC. To find out more about becoming a LALC member go to:
www.alc.org.au /land-councils/getting-on-a-roll.aspx.
Who is running the NSWALC Elections?
As per previous years, the NSW Electoral Commission (NSWEC) will run the election.
More information is available at the NSWEC website: