Fresh stats show robust state of land rights

2 February, 2011

Fresh stats show robust state of land rights

February 2, 2011

As another Survival Day comes and goes, it's timely to reflect on the state of the NSW Aboriginal land rights network.

Chairwoman of the NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC), Bev Manton said that the passing of another year has given the NSW land rights network much to celebrate.

She said new figures supplied by NSWALC this week illustrate a land rights network doing precisely what it was designed to do.

They reflect achievement at every level:

  • At the end of January this year, an impressive total of 33,905 claims had been lodged with the Department of Lands since 1983.
  • 26,368 of those have been lodged by LALCs and NSWALC since 2006.
  • 6,979 have been lodged in the last six months alone.
  • Of those 6,979, 198 have been refused, 9 granted.

Chairwoman Manton said she was delighted with the latest figures.

"It's fantastic to see the enthusiasm and professionalism shown by Local Aboriginal Land Councils (LALCs) across the state - in lodging their claims," Ms Manton said.

"NSWALC and the LALCs have come such a long way since the birth of land rights here in NSW and I'd like to congratulate everyone for their hard work over the last two years especially.

"These figures are a direct reflection of empowered Aboriginal people working closely together towards a brighter future.

"The lack of determination however is not up to scratch. There's 24,424 land claims yet to be considered by the Department of Lands.

"But positively, the land rights network across NSW has taken giant leaps over the last few years to be in a strong and stable position in 2011.

"We are conducting our very important core business with diligence, enthusiasm and pride.

"I'd like to thank the entire network for making NSWALC one of the single most successful operations of any kind in this state," she said.

"Most importantly in all of this...we're establishing a legacy of hard work and best practice for our children and our children's children. After-all, they are the future of land rights."

CONTACT: Chris Munro 0438 760 242