Historic partnership to ensure Aboriginal people throughout NSW gain vital leadership qualifications.

1 April, 2009


The Canberra-based Australian Indigenous Leadership Centre (AILC) and the NSW Aboriginal Land Council have entered into an historic partnership to ensure Aboriginal people throughout NSW gain vital leadership qualifications.

Announcing the partnership today, NSWALC's Chairperson, Bev Manton and AILC's CEO, Rachelle Towart, said it was an important step forward.
"The more Aboriginal Australians gaining formal leadership qualifications the better," they said.

Ms Towart said it was particularly pleasing to have one large, self-funded Aboriginal organisation assist another Aboriginal owned organisation. The AILC was an Indigenous company, formed in 2001 and provided Australia's only accredited course in Indigenous Leadership as well as non-accredited short courses in specific leadership skills.

"The NSWALC Certificate 1V level scholarships will be widely advertised throughout the land council network," Ms Towart said. "They will be awarded to those who had already completed lower level certificate
courses but wanted to further develop their leadership skills and knowledge.

"This course, while extending their knowledge and capacity in relation to core leadership attributes such as Indigenous leadership, culture and history would also cover areas such as governance, ethics, financial literacy and how to engage with key stakeholders, networking and mentoring as well as conflict resolution and goal setting".

Ms Manton said NSWALC had welcomed the opportunity to fund the additional scholarship places.
"There are many employed within the local aboriginal land council network who wanted the chance to further improve their skill base, This provides that opportunity." Ms Manton said.

"Once again it proves how serious NSWALC is about initiating programs to enable Aboriginal people to further their education. That was why NSWALC established and funded its own $30 million dollar Educational Endowment Fund."

Funding for this new initiative would come from the Education Endowment Fund.

Further information Peter Windsor 0400 554603 or Rachelle Towart on 0431 772377.