NSW Aboriginal Land Council funding supporting Amaroo community

27 May, 2016

NSW Aboriginal Land Council funding supporting Amaroo community

26 May 2016 

A new NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) funding program is breathing new life into a number of activities under way at Amaroo Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC).

NSWALC Councillor for Northern Region Charles Lynch was at Summervale, near Walcha today for the official opening of Camp Kitchen, which received funding under the Community Fund.

Cr Lynch said the funding was making a difference to the local Aboriginal community at Amaroo.

"Amaroo Local Aboriginal Land Council has used the funding to establish Camp Kitchen which will give the local Aboriginal community a great meeting place to celebrate and mourn.

"The Community Fund has also provided an opportunity for Amaroo Local Aboriginal Land Council to buy a tractor to better manage land and care for country," Cr Lynch said.

Amaroo LALC Chief Executive Officer Mark Davies said today's opening acknowledged the contributions of a late Elder, Aunty Beryl Green.

"Aunty Beryl played such an important role in keeping our community strong and we're honoured to be able to dedicate Camp Kitchen to the memory of a highly-respected Elder," he said.

Mr Davies thanked NSWALC for investing in Local Aboriginal Land Councils through the Community Fund.

"For Amaroo LALC, the Community Fund has energised us and created new possibilities for us to better meet the needs of our community.

NSWALC Chair Roy Ah-See said he was pleased to see the Community Fund making a difference to Aboriginal community members throughout the Land Rights network.                 

"The Community Fund is an investment in the future of the Land Rights network. In the first funding round we've made grants of up to $50,000 available to Local Aboriginal Land Councils.

"The Community Fund ensures eligible Local Aboriginal Land Councils can share in the wealth of those that enjoy a strong economic base.

"In New South Wales we have 120 Local Aboriginal Land Councils. Some hold more valuable land holdings and others have less valuable land and development opportunities," he said.

The fund is generated by a levy on Local Aboriginal Land Council land dealings with matching contributions by NSWALC.

It was introduced following an amendment to the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983.

Applications for the current round of the Community Fund are currently being assessed.

Media contact: Andrew Williams 0429 582 291