4 April, 2023
The NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) congratulates university students Abby Newlin and Nathan Weldon-Bowen, who have each been awarded the 2023 NSW Aboriginal Land Council Educational Scholarship.
The $10,000 Scholarship is aimed at penultimate year Aboriginal students at a tertiary institution in NSW.
Abby Newlin is a Worimi woman from Port Stephens, living in Newcastle. She is studying a Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Commerce at Newcastle University.
Nathan Weldon-Bowen is a Wiradjuri Bidjigal man from Sydney with strong family connections to Cowra. He is studying a Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours) at Western Sydney University.
NSWALC Chairperson Danny Chapman says Abby and Nathan’s applications clearly demonstrated their commitment to their future careers and their people.
“Both students showed their drive to contribute to their communities, and the NSWALC Educational Scholarship will assist them with funds to complete their final year of studies.
On behalf of the NSWALC Council, I congratulate Nathan and Abby on their success, and look forward to seeing their future work as they gain experience and expertise,” he said.
Abby Newlin is a member of the Worimi Local Aboriginal Land Council and Nathan Weldon-Bowen is a member of the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council. Both LALCs are part of the Sydney/Newcastle Region, headed by Councillor Abie Wright.
Councillor Wright says the recipients are positive examples of young Aboriginal people highly engaged in their communities.
“Both Nathan and Abby are active members of their Local Aboriginal Land Councils, which is heartening to see. Their involvement in local decision-making on issues that affect them will ground and empower them as they move forward in life, and young people like them are the future of the Land Rights Network,” he said.
In addition to her studies, Abby works with the award-winning cultural tourism business Sand Dune Adventures, operated by the Worimi LALC.
“Through completing my degree, I aim to offer my tourism and accounting skills to Worimi LALC and the Murrook Cultural Centre to assist in future business expansion opportunities and continue to share our amazing culture with Australian and international tourists,” she said.
Nathan aims to ultimately create an Aboriginal development company to develop retirement living in Sydney and regional NSW.
“I am very passionate about giving back to our Elders by utilising our land to support them with their housing needs. They have given us so much, and it’s up to me and other young people to work hard on ourselves, because we can do anything if we set our minds to it,” he said.
The NSWALC Scholarship is offered annually, and fields of study may include law, finance, business, media and communications, human resources, land and environment, policy or property management.
Please check back at the NSWALC website in early July 2023 for information on the opening of the 2024 Round, at https://alc.org.au/educational-scholarship
For more information or to arrange interviews, email media@alc.org.au.