7 September, 2023
The NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) announces the resignation of Abie Wright as Councillor for the Sydney/Newcastle Region. Abie advised Council of his decision yesterday, with his resignation in effect as of September 6, 2023.
A descendant of Gommeroi, Anaiwan, Dunghutti and Wanaruah people from Newcastle, Abie was a joint founder of the Miromaa Aboriginal Language and Technology Centre and is a Board member of Awabakal Cooperative.
Abie held the Economic Development portfolio and sat on the NSWALC Investment Committee and the Economic Development Advisory Committee.
Chairperson, Cr Danny Chapman thanked Cr Wright for his contributions.
“On behalf of my fellow Councillors and NSWALC staff, I thank Abie for his contribution to improving the lives, aspirations and opportunities of Aboriginal people in New South Wales. We respect Abie’s decision, and we wish him well.”
During NAIDOC week this year, Abie paid a touching tribute to his late father Jimmy Wright, who was a respected leader and former Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) Commissioner. “He showed me through his actions of what a Strong Community Leader, Family man, Protector and Provider was.
“Thank you to the people who elected and believed in me to be Councillor of the Sydney Newcastle region. Land Rights is in my DNA, and I’m grateful for the past 3 ½ years. It’s been a great opportunity to work within the Land Rights network. I would like to give a special thank you to the Land Councils in the Sydney/Newcastle region for their wonderful support. I wish them continued success into the future,” Abie said.
NSWALC will provide further advice on the position of Councillor for the Sydney/Newcastle Region shortly. In the interim, for all Sydney Newcastle region related matters, please direct them to Eastern Zone Office: easternzone@alc.org.au