Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 Statutory Review

10 May, 2021

7 May 2021

Local Aboriginal Land Councils (LALCs) will have received a notice from the NSW Government about the regular statutory review of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 (ALRA).

The review is undertaken every 5 years to determine whether the policy objectives of the ALRA remain valid and whether the terms remain appropriate for securing those objectives, in accordance with section 252A of the ALRA.

This review has been brought forward by the NSW Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, to align with commitments to progress Aboriginal Cultural Heritage reforms in NSW.

The NSW Government will also seek submissions and intend to table a report on the outcomes of the review by the end of 2021.

NSWALC will hold engagements, including through upcoming regional forums. Further arrangements will be advised.

If you would like more information in the meantime, please contact the NSWALC Strategy and Policy Unit on 02 9689 4444 or policy@alc.org.au.