Changes to NSWALC Governance

30 November, 2013

Changes to NSWALC Governance

October 31, 2013

At a constituted meeting of council earlier today, Councillor for the Central region, Mr Stephen Ryan, tendered his resignation as Chairperson for the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council.

Mr Ryan will continue in his role as Councillor for the Central region.

Following Councillor Ryan's resignation, the governing council of NSWALC elected Wiradjuri/ Ngiyampaa man Craig Cromelin as Chairperson. Elected Councillor of the Sydney/Newcastle region and Wiradjuri man, Roy Ah See, has been elected to the role as Deputy Chairperson.

On behalf of council, newly elected Chairperson Cromelin thanked Councillor Ryan for his outstanding contributions to the nation's peak Aboriginal organisation.

"Councillor Ryan led the organisation through an extremely challenging period, including a major review of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act and ongoing negotiations with the NSW government surrounding stand alone culture and heritage legislation," Chairman Cromelin said.

"As a network we face some great challenges in the months to come including reforms to the management of Crown land, ongoing issues pertaining to the management of our culture and heritage as well as economic development and the sustainability of the network."

Craig Cromelin
NSWALC ChairmanÂ