Education Endowment Fund (EEF)

11 March, 2013

A Focus on Network Capacity

March 11, 2013

The network would be aware that in 2011 a moratorium had been placed on further applications for scholarships under the Education Endowment fund (EEF).

This process was put in place to allow for a review to be undertaken on the efficiency and overall management of the fund.

This process highlighted the increasing demand for scholarships over the years, the high cost of administering the scheme, the lack of take-up of scholarships once awarded and the fact there are a raft of similar scholarships and grants concurrently operating alongside NSWALC's EEF.

Many of these funding opportunities are available exclusively to Aboriginal students and their families in NSW.

With these and other factors in mind and after careful consideration and debate, Council has taken the view that NSWALC will no longer be offering scholarships as such in the form of an EEF, but instead focusing on the provision of opportunities for network-based training and economic development.

Improving and supporting the capacity of Local Aboriginal Land Council members is essential to achieving genuine self-determination and economic independence.

It's therefore NSWALC's view that the statutory investment fund can be better utilised by channeling funding back into our own network and for our own members.

If the Aboriginal land rights system is to grow and grow strong, there needs to be a sounder, smarter management of funding at every level. This includes community benefits schemes such as the EEF.

We'd encourage all of our members to stay abreast of developments on the training front as they take place over the coming months. We'd also urge all Aboriginal students and their families to thoroughly investigate the range of alternate student assistance on offer across the state for primary secondary and tertiary studies such as;

Chairman, Stephen Ryan