8 May, 2022
9 May 2022
The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) from people with significant commercial fishing industry experience and knowledge, for independent membership to its Fishing Advisory Committee.
The Fishing Advisory Committee
The Committee is responsible for assessing funding applications and providing recommendations, advice, and direction to the NSWALC Council on applications to the NSWALC Fishing Fund (NFF). The Committee also provides strategic advice on the sustainability of the program.
Members of the Committee will be selected for their skills, experience, and knowledge. Successful applicants will be appointed for two years.
Aboriginal applicants are strongly encouraged to apply.
Selection criteria include but is not limited to:
In 2018, the Australian Government provided NSWALC with $5 million to establish the NSWALC Fishing Fund, to provide financial support for Aboriginal people to remain in or enter the commercial fishing sector. The NFF aims to support sustainable and long-term economic outcomes for Aboriginal communities.
Aboriginal people in NSW can apply for loans and grants for Aboriginal fishing businesses in the wild harvest, aquaculture, and charter fishing industries.
Expressions of Interest must be submitted by close of business 3 June 2022.
For an EOI Information Package, please email fishingfund@alc.org.au or call (02) 9689 4477.