Freddy Fricke Scholarships open for 2017

28 November, 2016

Freddy Fricke Scholarships open for 2017

28 November 2016

The NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) is accepting nominations for the 2017 Freddy Fricke Scholarship Program.

The scholarship grants are open to Aboriginal students undertaking a degree or diploma at a university in New South Wales.

The program provides financial assistance to cover related fees and expenses such as accommodation as well as travel and course materials, depending on the needs of the student.

The maximum scholarship is $5,000 per annum, per student.

The scholarship was launched in 2002 and has assisted 47 students. The program is named after Freddy Fricke, who in 2000, bequeathed his home to NSWALC.

NSWALC decided to use the funds from the sale of Freddy Fricke's home to assist the education of Aboriginal peoples in New South Wales.

Applications must be forwarded to NSWALC by 9am, Monday 30 January 2017.

Application forms are available here and guidelines can be accessed here.

To see how the Freddy Fricke Scholarship has assisted students in the past, check out the OurMob video of one of last year's recipients Maddison Smart.

For more information about the grant, please contact the NSWALC Policy and Programs Unit on (02) 9689 4444, toll-free at 1800 647 487 or email