3 July, 2023
NAIDOC 2023 is with us, with the important theme this year of For Our Elders from Sunday July 2 – Sunday July 9.
For Our Elders acknowledges our Elders as the heart of our communities and the roles they have played, and continue to play, in our communities, organisations and families.
The NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) honours the Elders, the Land Rights Warriors whose many years of work led to the passing of the NSW Aboriginal Land Rights Act (ALRA) on June 10, 1983. The ALRA was only established because of our Elders and their commitment to Land Rights, justice and a positive future for Aboriginal peoples in NSW.
As we celebrate the ALRA turning 40, we celebrate the Elders who made such an important piece of legislation possible.
NSWALC would also love to share your NAIDOC celebrations across the Network, so please tag @nswalc with how you’re spending the week.
Please see the downloadable PDF below with details of numerous NSW events across NAIDOC Week 2023. This list is not exhaustive, so please let us know about any other events, by emailing media@alc.org.au or tagging us on our social media. We know that many LALCs organise NAIDOC events for later in the year, when the weather is warmer.
Stay safe and happy across NAIDOC week everyone!