Network Message – Have you moved?

18 March, 2019

Network Message - Have you moved?

18 March 2019

Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC) members who have moved or changed address are encouraged to notify your LALC about your new contact details.

Keeping your contact details up to date is important to ensure you receive information and updates from your LALC and don't miss out on opportunities to have your say.

Additionally, LALC and New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) elections are coming up later this year - having your details up to date will be important to ensure you are notified about these elections and key dates.

For LALC CEOs, in accordance with the annual requirements regarding maintaining membership rolls, this year the Office of the Registrar, Aboriginal Land Rights Act  has requested LALCs submit consolidated member rolls to the Registrar's Office prior to 22 April 2019.

More information

The  Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983  (Sections 53-59) and  Aboriginal Land Rights Regulation 2014  (Clause 33) outline requirements relating to LALC membership rolls.

If your LALC would like more information please contact your NSWALC Zone Office or the Office of the Registrar, Aboriginal Land Rights Act  on 02 8633 1266.