11 August, 2023
The NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC) is pleased to announce the final recipients for the NSWALC Community Fund’s (NCF) 2022-2023 round.
A variety of projects have been supported, to assist eligible Local Aboriginal Land Councils (LALCs) with land acquisition, land management and projects demonstrating clear community development outcomes.
The NSWALC Council has allocated funding to Wellington LALC to restore the Nanima school building, Batemans Bay LALC to refurbish its office, and for Bowraville and Numbucca Heads LALCs to achieve Construction Certificate status for their Gumbaynggirr Aboriginal Keeping Place joint application.
Moree LALC has been funded for its office renovation and Mudgee LALC now has funding for preliminary necessary land management activities around its Cultural Centre. Menindee LALC has also received an NCF Grant for its Darling River Supermarket Restoration and Upgrade.
You can view the complete NCF 2022-2023 Round, as well as previous recipients, at https://alc.org.au/community-fund/.
About the NSWALC Community Fund
The NSWALC Community Fund is financed through the Community Development Levy, which was introduced in the 2009 amendment to the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 to redistribute wealth from LALCs with more valuable land holdings to those with less valuable land and development opportunities.
Grants of up to $150,000 (excluding GST) are on offer for projects that seek to deliver community development outcomes under the following categories:
Projects which demonstrate clear community outcomes consistent with a LALC’s functions under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983.
Since 2015, seven NCF funding rounds have been made available to the Land Rights Network, with combined funding committed of $7,428,191.06 in support of over 90 LALC projects.
NSWALC Community Fund Rounds
The program is open all year round. Eligible LALCs are welcome to apply at any time.
Applications for a grant are made in two stages.
Stage 1 – Eligible LALCs submit an Expression of Interest (EOI).
Stage 2 – NSWALC will contact you to discuss your EOI and provide additional support for the development of your Project Proposal.
You can find the EOI online form, NCF Policy and Procedures and more information at https://alc.org.au/community-fund/.