Welcome to Our Land Council, Our Mob, Our Future

28 July, 2014

Our Land Council, Our Mob, Our Future is a website and e-news that  links culture, identity and Land Rights in one deadly email coming direct to your inbox every month from the NSW Aboriginal Land Council.

It’s new and it’s for everyone – Land Council members, Aboriginal mob in NSW and all our supporters wherever you are.

We salute the deadly crew who brought you Tracker Magazine for the past three years. It was a hard decision for Council to close Tracker and we pledge to keep Aboriginal land rights network and the community updated with the latest news from NSWALC and around the network.

The reality is we all now get more of our news online. And that’s only going to increase. While the Koori grapevine will never die it’s now got lots of online help from Facebook, Twitter and blackfella online networks like Community of Excellence.

The e-news is more than just another newsletter in your inbox. Each monthly email opens a new window into Land Rights in NSW. You’ll see what’s happening in different areas around the state, what’s working for our mobs and how our LALCs are making it happen.

And for every story, there’s more on our new website here at ourmob.org.au

There you’ll see more stories, more video, more images. A print version of Our Land Council, Our Mob, Our Future will be sent to Land Council offices and other Aboriginal organisations so you can check it out in print as well.

News works both ways and we want the news from you. Over the past few weeks we’ve been asking, what does land mean to you? From Arakwal to Yuin you sent your pictures, videos and words showing us the way and sharing with our mobs. Keep them coming so we can all show the world what land means to us.

Post what land means to you onTwitter #OurMobOurFuture, find us on Facebook or email us media@alc.org.au and we’ll post them online for you.

Your link to Land Rights is Our Land Council, Our Mob, Our Future!