The man standing on a concrete ballard under a light pole looked up when I walked by with my camera during a performance by legendary country music artist Warren H Williams.
“Who is that guy?” he asked urgently in a broad American accent. “And what’s going on here? It’s amazing!”
I told him he was at the Aboriginal Cultural Showcase, presented each year by the Tamworth Local Aboriginal Land Council and the Tamworth Aboriginal community. And “that guy” was long-time Showcase supporter Warren H Williams who performs at the Tamworth Country Music Festival every year.
The Showcase has grown from a park on the fringes of town, to a multi-day extravaganza smack bank in the middle of Tamworth’s main drag, Peel St. In 2018, it took over the ABC Stage, and attracted crowds every evening.
NSW Aboriginal Land Council is a proud major sponsor, and attends each year to support Tamworth LALC and the Tamworth Aboriginal community.
Stayed tuned for video packages of a week of great music and dance, but in the meantime, here’s a visual taste of the 2018 Tamworth Aboriginal Cultural Showcase. All images are by Michelle Aleksandrovics from